Monday, August 31, 2015

What's the difference between SYSDBA and SYSASM?

ASM was first introduced in 2003 with Oracle 10gR1 and since then it's the recommended storage management solution by Oracle and it's being used as a filesystem and volumn manager.
In the "old" 10g days, we used to administer the ASM instance using the as SYSDBA role.

The Problem
The problem with using SYSDBA is that in many organization there is a clear seperation between the DBA to the ASM administrator -the DBA in some organization doesn't suppose to add disks, alter disk groups, etc.

The Solution
The solution for this problem was introduced in Oracle 11gR1 when Oracle introduced a new role, SYSASM that should be used by the ASM administrators to perform administrative tasks, such as CREATE/DROP/ALTER diskgroup, or startup/shutdown the ASM instance.
The SYSDBA should be used by the ASM for read-only operations such as qureying dynamic views (e.g. V$ASM_DISKGROUP, V$ASM_FILE, V$ASM_OPERATION, etc.)

Although SYSASM was introduced in Oracle 11gR1, SYSDBA role still had (in Oracle 11gR1) full administrative permissions, but every time an administrative command was executed (such as starting the ASM instance), a warning was reported in the ASM alert log file:
"WARNING: Deprecated privilege SYSDBA for command <…>"

Starting from Oracle 11gR2, Oracle enforced the seperation between the DBA to the ASM administrator and if you will try to connect as SYSDBA and perform administrative task you will get an error because administrative tasks can only be performed by ASM Administrators who connect AS SYSASM, as you can see in the following screenshot:

Monday, August 24, 2015

Can you use ORA_ROWSCN to determine when was the last modification of a row?

ORA_ROWSCN is a pseudo column that was introduced in Oracle 10g.
This pseudo column will display the SCN of the last time that a row or a the block (in which the row resides) was modified.
You can later use to SCN_TO_TIMESTAMP function to translate the SCN to a timestamp.

Let's see an exmaple:

SQL> create table test (id number, name varchar2(20));
Table created.

SQL> insert into test values (1, 'ABC');
1 row created.

SQL> insert into test values (2, 'XYZ');
1 row created.

SQL> commit;
Commit complete

SQL> update test set name='DEF' where id=1;

SQL> commit;
Commit complete

SQL> select ora_rowscn,scn_to_timestamp(ora_rowscn),id,name from test;

ORA_ROWSCN     TO_TIMESTAMP(ORA_ROWSCN)                   ID           NAME
-----------------   ---------------------------------------  --       --------
  95752977               24-AUG-15 PM                   1            DEF
  95752977               24-AUG-15 PM                   2            XYZ

As you can see, the scn of both rows is the same. This is because the table was created without the ROWDEPENDENCIES clause, which ensures that every row in a table has its own SCN, therefore the ORA_ROWSCN displays the scn of the last time the the block was modified.

Let's create the table but this time with the ROWDEPENDENCIES clause:

SQL> drop table test;
Table dropped.

SQL> create table test (id number, name varchar2(20)) ROWDEPENDENCIES;

Table created.

SQL> insert into test values (1, 'ABC');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into test values (2, 'XYZ');
1 row created.

SQL> commit;
Commit complete

SQL> update test set name='DEF' where id=1;

SQL> commit;
Commit complete

SQL> select ora_rowscn,scn_to_timestamp(ora_rowscn),id,name from test;

ORA_ROWSCN     TO_TIMESTAMP(ORA_ROWSCN)                   ID           NAME
-----------------   ---------------------------------------  ---       --------
  95755953               24-AUG-15 PM                   1            DEF
  95755923               24-AUG-15 PM                   2            XYZ

In this case, because the table was created with the ROWDEPENDENCIES clause therefore each row has its own SCN and not the same SCN of the last time that the block was modified.
Does it mean that you can use ORA_ROWSCN to track the times of modifications for the rows in your tables? 

The answer is no, because the SCN_TO_TIMESTAMP information is limited to SCN of the last 5 days, and if you will try to translate SCN which is older than the last 5 days you'll get an error:
SQL> select scn_to_timestamp(78199991) from dual;
ORA-06512: at "SYS.SCN_TO_TIMESTAMP", line 1

select scn_to_timestamp(78199991) from dual
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-08181: specified number is not a valid system change number


ORA_ROWSCN is a nice pseudo-column but you need to be aware of its limitations:
  1. Unless you specify the ROWDEPENDENCIES clause in the creation of the table, it will report on the last SCN of the block modification and not the row modification.
  1. SCN_TO_TIMESTAMP can translate SCN to Timestamps of the last 5 days only.
The title of this article is "Can you use ORA_ROWSCN to determine the last modification of a row?" 
The answer is: no
You'll have to track the change date yourself. I would recommend using one of the following approaches:

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

How to detect gaps in your Data Guard environments

In the OTN Data Guard Forum, a user was trying to understand if there's a gap between the Primary and the Standby database so he executed the following query:
select count(*) from v$archived_log where applied = 'NO'

The output of the query was higher than 3000, my response was that the fact that his query returns more than 3000  doesn't necessarily tell that there's any problem becuase when you query v$archived_log it will always report "NO" for the local archive log destinations, therefore he should check for APPLIED = 'NO' and also standby_dest = 'YES'.

Link to the Discussion:

I decided to enhance the query even more so it will dipslay per each standby archive log destinaion the following information:
  • INST_ID - The Instance ID, relevant for RAC with Data Guard configurations
  • DEST_ID - The ID of the Archive Log Destination
  • Status - Will indicate whether the standby destination status is valid or not
  • Destination - The name of the Archive Log Destination
  • Applied_Gap - The applied gap between the Primary and the Standby
  • Received_Gap - The received gap between the Primary and the Standby
  • Last_Received_Seq - Last archive log received in the standby destination
  • Last_Applied_Seq - Last archive log applied in the standby destination
The following query should always be executed on the Primary database:
select ar.inst_id "inst_id",
       ar.dest_id "dest_id",
       ar.status "dest_status",
       ar.destination "destination",
         (select MAX (sequence#) highiest_seq
            from v$archived_log val, v$database vdb
           where     val.resetlogs_change# = vdb.resetlogs_change#
                 and thread# = ar.inst_id
                 and dest_id = ar.dest_id)
       - NVL (
            (select MAX (sequence#)
               from v$archived_log val, v$database vdb
              where     val.resetlogs_change# = vdb.resetlogs_change#
                    and thread# = ar.inst_id
                    and dest_id = ar.dest_id
                    and standby_dest = 'YES'
                    and applied = 'YES'),
         (SELECT MAX (sequence#) highiest_seq
            from v$archived_log val, v$database vdb
           where     val.resetlogs_change# = vdb.resetlogs_change#
                 AND thread# = ar.inst_id)
       - NVL (
            (SELECT MAX (sequence#)
               from v$archived_log val, v$database vdb
              where     val.resetlogs_change# = vdb.resetlogs_change#
                    and thread# = ar.inst_id
                    and dest_id = ar.dest_id
                    and standby_dest = 'YES'),
       NVL (
          (SELECT MAX (sequence#)
             from v$archived_log val, v$database vdb
            where     val.resetlogs_change# = vdb.resetlogs_change#
                  and thread# = ar.inst_id
                  and dest_id = ar.dest_id
                  and standby_dest = 'YES'),
       NVL (
          (SELECT MAX (sequence#)
             from v$archived_log val, v$database vdb
            where     val.resetlogs_change# = vdb.resetlogs_change#
                  and thread# = ar.inst_id
                  and dest_id = ar.dest_id
                  and standby_dest = 'YES'
                  and applied = 'YES'),
  from (SELECT DISTINCT dest_id,
          from sys.gv_$archive_dest
         where target = 'STANDBY' and STATUS <> 'DEFERRED') ar

Example of the SQL output:

I executed the query in one of our data guard environments.
As you can see from the example output, the sequence# of the last archive log that was sent to the standby destination is 9699 and the last one that was applied is 9698, the applied gap is 1 which is definitely OK because I'm working with a standby redo log therefore the last sequence# should always be the standby redolog that Oracle is currently writing to.

Bottom line:

As long as the applied and the received gap are lower than 2 the it means that there are no gaps in your Data Guard environment.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

DBCA and DBUA are unable to start in Oracle on IBM AIX

Problem Description:
Today I performed a new installation of Oracle on IBM AIX 7.1 in a single instance environment. After a successful Oracle Software instllation I tried to execute "dbca" utility (Database Configuration Assistant) in order to create the database and I recevied the following error:

$ ./dbca
UnsatisfiedLinkError exception loading native library: njni12
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: njni12 (rtld: 0712-001 Symbol CreateIoCompletionPort was referenced
from module /oravl01/oracle/app/product/, but a runtime definition
of the symbol was not found.
rtld: 0712-001 Symbol GetMultipleCompletionStatus was referenced
from module /oravl01/oracle/app/product/, but a runtime definition
of the symbol was not found.
rtld: 0712-002 fatal error: exiting.)
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: oracle/net/common/NetGetEnv.get(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;
at Source)
at Source)
at<init>(Unknown Source)
at oracle.sysman.assistants.util.NetworkUtils.<init>(
at oracle.sysman.assistants.util.step.StepContext.<init>(
at oracle.sysman.assistants.dbca.backend.Host.<init>(
at oracle.sysman.assistants.dbca.backend.Host.<init>(
at oracle.sysman.assistants.dbca.wizard.UIHost.<init>(
at oracle.sysman.assistants.dbca.wizard.InteractiveHost.getInstance(
at oracle.sysman.assistants.dbca.Dbca.getHost(
at oracle.sysman.assistants.dbca.Dbca.execute(
at oracle.sysman.assistants.dbca.Dbca.main(
$ smit aio
Warning: Missing charsets in String to FontSet conversion
Warning: Cannot convert string "-dt-interface system-medium-r-normal-l*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" to type FontSet

 After an investigation in MOS (My Oracle Support) I found the following article: 
AIX Installation Fails with "rtld: 0712-001 Symbol CreateIoCompletionPort was referenced " (Doc ID 1949184.1)

What I found in the article is that this issue is a known issue for Oracle in IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-bit).


The solution, as described in Doc ID 1949184.1 is actually a very simple one, all you need to do is enable to IOCP (I/O Completion Ports). The steps to do that are:

Log in as root and run the following command:
# smitty iocp
Select Change / Show Characteristics of I/O Completion Ports.

Change configured state at system restart from Defined to Available.
Restart the machine

Run the lsdev command to confirm the IOCP status is set to Available:
$ lsdev | grep iocp
iocp0 Available I/O Completion Ports

Relink Oracle Home. In order to do that, connect with the Oracle software owner user and then:
  1. Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable
  2. Execute $ORACLE_HOME/bin/relink all
That's it ! Now the "dbca" and "dbua" runs successfuly :)

Sunday, August 2, 2015

My First Post!

Welcome to my professional Oracle Database blog!

My name is Pini Dibask and I'm an Oracle Database Architect living his passion.

I'm an Oracle 11g Certified Professional (OCP) and also OPN (Oracle Parter Network) Certified Specialist.

I'm specializing in:

  • Performance Tuning 
  • Storage & ASM
  • RAC & RAC One Node
  • Failover Clusters
  • Data Guard
  • Golden Gate
  • RMAN
  • Flashback Features
  • Installations, Upgrades & Migrations
  • Exadata

I work for Dell Software in the Foglight R&D group as the Oracle Domain Expert.
Foglight for Oracle is a 24x7 Enterprise Monitoring solution for Oracle with powerful Analysis tools.

This blog is dedicated to the Oracle community and here I will post articles and tips which are based on my experience of working with Oracle. I hope you will enjoy reading and you will find this information valuable.

In this first post I'd like to present you our product and how it can make your life easier: